Executive Assessment

Evaluation of management skills at CxO level.

GML-HR offers to conduct an Executive Assessment of individual candidates aimed at managers and specialists at the strategic/tactical level. This allows us to gain in-depth insight into the candidate’s personality and cognitive range. An Executive Assessment is carried out in connection with recruitment, development of ‘rising stars’ or evaluating management potential.

Our Executive Assessment is an extended personal assessment which uses an internationally recognised performance model based on more than 25 years’ intensive research and validation. It is a particularly thorough evaluation in which the candidate’s test results are assessed against the position, the success criteria and critical competences. Combined with 360-degree references, this feeds into a written report containing the consultant’s recommendation.

The candidate is given a structured interview and receives both oral and written feedback on his or her test results.

Personality Assessment

Assessment of managers and specialists

GML-HR offers to conduct an evaluation of individual candidates with our Personality Assessment aimed at managers and specialists at the strategic/tactical level. The method provides valuable insight into the candidate’s personality and can be used to advantage in connection with recruitment, development of ‘rising stars’ or evaluating management potential.

The Personality Assessment provides in-depth insight into the candidate’s motivation and drive, along with interpersonal preferences and preferred style of working. The recruitment consultant also gains valuable information on the candidate’s cognitive capacity assessed across different areas.

The candidate is given a structured interview and receives both oral and written feedback on his or her test results.

We use recognized testing systems

To create as nuanced a picture of the candidate as possible, GML-HR uses a flexible assessment base containing, as a minimum, a personality test and a cognitive test. We use internationally recognised and validated testing tools which are available in a number of languages.

To assess personality, we use two systems: MPA from Master Management, and Hogan Assessment. To assess cognitive capacity, we use ACE. You can read more about our testing tools by clicking on the system names.

Our consultants are also certified in a number of other systems, so we are often able to use the same testing systems that our clients use. This facilitates the process for candidates and promotes understanding for the client.

Do you want more information?
Please contact Lars Gaarde.